24th Ammon Fenstertage

From 12-13 May 2023, the Ammon Fenstertage took place in Bayreuth. In addition to the approximately 120 participants, GUTMANN was also part of the event.

24 Ammon Fenstertage: After the Corona break, we were already present as a premium partner at the 23rd edition in Erfurt 2022. Participating in the Ammon Beschläge-Handels GmbH Fenstertage is an excellent opportunity to talk to the industry every year.

A lively dialogue took place, which resulted from the coming together of very different cultures and the most exciting technical and impulse presentations. Certainly a highlight for us: "The positive feedback from the auditorium and the numerous congratulations for our presentation 'Profiles for professionals - Made in Germany'," happily says Thomas Reinert, Head of Sales.

Seal of a successful cooperation

The close, often friendly relationship between the protagonists favoured partnership networking between customers, trade and industry. The press stud with an engraved aluminium disc was the seal of successful cooperation - it was handed over to Dieter Ammon by Managing Director Arnd Brinkmann. Intensive cooperation, mastering every challenge, the many years of experience and memories: They make our industry so special.


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